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Procrastination can be tough to overcome, but it can be done.

February 28, 20242 min read

Follow these suggestions to put an end to procrastination once and for all:

How often do you find yourself putting off tasks and activities that you want or need to complete? Although you might say that you really want to accomplish those things, the reality is that you’ve left them unfinished for so long whilst you’ve worked on other tasks instead.

Keep a running list of important tasks.

  • If you have a concrete list of tasks in front of you, you’re more likely to complete them.

  • Set reasonable goals like, “I will complete one task a week from my list.” Then, follow through with your goal and check off the tasks as you complete them.

  • A written list serves as a reminder of the things you want to accomplish.

First, complete the tasks that will have the most impact.

  • For example, if you’ve wanted to paint your living room forever, do it first. Altering your living space may ignite your passion to finish other projects.

  • Show yourself that you can do whatever you want to create the life you want.

Share your list with your partner or friend.

  • When you talk about what you want to do, those close to you might provide you with just the push you need to complete the task. Explain to them the reasons why you want to accomplish the things on your list.

  • Talking about your desires with a loved one makes them seem possible.

Ask for help.

  • Perhaps your partner or a friend would be willing to step up and help you achieve something you’ve wanted to get off your list for a long time.

  • Doing things with other people can make the tasks you aren't so keen on doing, that much more enjoyable.

Reinforce your efforts.

  • How can you reward yourself for completing items on your list?

  • Think of an activity you like and do it after you have completed some of your tasks. 

  • Rewards don’t have to be big or expensive. Make an effort to connect the reward to the job you completed. 

Plan for time to complete items on your list.

  • Get out your calendar and set aside two or three hours a week to work on the things you need to do.

  • Then you can guarantee the time set aside is to work on the things that are important to you.

"Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday".

Napoleon Hill

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Debbie Wills

Co-founder of Energised Entrepreneur

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