Secrets to Escaping Mental Stress and Embracing Happiness

When you’re not mentally fit, you feel mental stress -- anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness -- as you handle work and relationship challenges. The bad news is that 80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. The PQ Program is a mental fitness program that enables wellness, performance, and positive relationships. The six-week program empowers you to create sustained change toward a more positive mind by laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. That is what this program empowers you to do.

The PQ operating system provides the opportunity to identify and decrease negative thoughts, what we call Saboteurs, and work to increase positive thoughts, what we call Sage. You will complete a Saboteur assessment as you begin the PQ Program to help identify your top Saboteurs.

As your coach I will guide you through the six-week program where you experience daily practice, a weekly focus, the PQ gym, and community. You can access the content using the PQ app and measure your progress. The PQ Program also includes a Pod facilitated by me your coach. These small groups provide weekly discussion opportunities and consist of as few as two people (client and coach) or five individuals going through the PQ Program with the same coach simultaneously.

As you build powerful habits for a positive mind. During the PQ Program, you get to build a foundation of mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs to your inner Sage. With lifelong applications to work and life, the opportunity is yours to continue to grow.

What the PQ Program includes:

PQ app - available on Apple and Android, as well as a desktop version

Focus - weekly hour-long videos and daily 15-minute app-guided exercises

Gym - includes guided sessions to practice and log PQ reps, a foundational practice for building your mental fitness

Community - the internal social network for the PQ Program

Modules - lessons essential for completing the program

Pod - support and accountability group, to meet once a week to discuss the week's training.

The great news? With recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, you can now improve your mental fitness significantly within 6 weeks of practice. After the program, you'll have insight into knowing what's standing in your own way of peak performance and happiness and how to begin to move forward.

You will gain insight into:

● The 10 most common ways we self-sabotage and which way is yours.

● The neuroscience of happiness & peak performance and 10-second techniques to activate your “right” mind.

● How you generate your own stress, and how you can generate peace of mind instead (even in the midst of great challenges).

● The "Three Gifts Technique" and how to use it to convert failures and setbacks into gifts and opportunities.

● The mental muscle that gives top performers their edge, and how you can grow it with a few minutes of daily practice.

This program is based on the Positive Intelligence work of Shirzad Chamine, a New York Times Bestselling author, Stanford lecturer, and coach to hundreds of CEOs and executive teams.

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